In 2008, the South Portland Public Library engaged Lushington Associates, a library consulting firm in Hartford, CT, to perform an assessment of the Library Services Department.  This study looked at the services and facilities of the library, as well as the community environment in which we operate.

Over the course of several months, Nolan Lushington met with library staff, City officials and members of the community in order to gather information about the library and the community.

The South Portland Public Library Improvement Study was presented to the South Portland City Council.

In 2009 the City Manager charged the Library Advisory Board Chair to assemble an ad-hoc committee, including representatives of the library staff, the Library Advisory Board, the Friends of the South Portland Public Library, two school student representatives, a City Council representative and Library Director Kevin Davis.  The charge to the committee was to develop and present to the City Manager a list of recommended short and long-term goals for the needs of the main library building.  The final report from this committee as well as the compiled list of recommendations were submitted to the City Manager in September of 2009.