Introductory Documents


Section I: Overview


Section II: Code of Conduct


Section III: Library Membership


Section IV: Lending Policies



Section VI: Access Policies


Section VII: Boards, Advocacy, Volunteers & Staffing


Section VIII: Outreach Services



Section I: Overview

1.3 Mission Statement

The South Portland Public Library provides resources, ideas and cultural experiences for the enrichment of our community.

1.5 Library Objectives


    • To assemble, preserve, and administer quality collections in a variety of formats in order to promote the communication of ideas and development of an enlightened citizenship

    • To serve the community as a center of reliable, up-to-date, and accurate information

    • To provide a helpful, well-trained staff to facilitate and stimulate use of the library’s resources

    • To support the educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations within the community

    • To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young adults, men, and women to read, to learn, and to educate themselves

    • To provide opportunity for recreation through the use of literature, music, films, other art forms, and computer-related programs

    • To provide and support Memorial Branch Library for the residents of the west side of South Portland

    • To develop a public relations program that will inform everyone of library events and services and, thereby, create an awareness of library resources and services and stimulate their use

    • To involve residents in the identification of informational needs and to develop collections and programs to meet these needs

Section II: Code of Conduct

2.2 Code of Conduct

South Portland Public Library is open to the public for the purpose of enriching lives through the shared use of library materials, facilities, and equipment.

The purpose of these rules is to provide for the comfort of persons using and working in the library.

No persons shall:


    1. Engage in conduct that interferes with another’s use or enjoyment of the library

    1. Damage, deface, or misuse library materials, property, or facilities

    1. Remove library materials or equipment from the building without permission

    1. Engage in physical intimacy, disruptive conduct, or loud conversations

    1. Conduct cell phone conversations that distract other patrons

    1. Bring animals into the library, except those required for personal assistance or those required for library programming

    1. Smoke, eat, or drink anywhere in the public areas, except that food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Meeting Room and Reading Area during authorized functions

    1. Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or engage in any substance abuse while on library property

    1. Use abusive or harassing language with or engage in abusive or harassing behavior toward other library patrons or staff

    1. Solicit, sell, campaign, or petition for any reason except as permitted by the Library Advisory Board

While in the library, all persons shall observe these rules

Failure to comply with the library’s Code of Conduct may result in being asked to leave the premises, the temporary or permanent loss of library privileges, involvement of local law enforcement and, in cases of illegal behavior, prosecution.

Section III: Library Membership

South Portland Public Library provides library cards at no cost to all residents, aged 5 years and above as well as to other members of the community as outlined below.  All library transactions requiring access to a library users’ account requires the presentation of the library card for that account.

The South Portland Public Library offers the following types of library cards/accounts:


    • Adult Resident Cards: For South Portland residents aged 13 and above.

    • Juvenile Resident Cards: For South Portland residents aged 5 through 12.  Application for a juvenile card requires the in-person signature of a parent or legal guardian who will assume financial responsibility for the juvenile’s library account.  The signatory adult must already have – or apply for – a card of their own.

    • Adult Non-resident Cards: For adults ages 18 and above who do not reside in South Portland

    • Juvenile NonResident Cards: For students enrolled in a public or private school in South Portland.  

    • Provisional Cards: Provisional library cards are issued when the library is awaiting the confirmation of residency status of a new cardholder or when users are living in South Portland on a temporary basis, without a permanent local address.  Provisional library cards are limited to two items checked out at a time and only have access to local collections.  

Unless cancelled for any other reason, a South Portland Public Library card is valid for one year.  Library accounts may be renewed – annually – for as long as the account is in good standing and the user maintains eligibility.

Lost or damaged library cards may be replaced at a cost of $1.00.


A South Portland citizen who has proper identification authenticating his/her South Portland residency is eligible for a library card, at no cost.

As a member of Maine’s statewide Minerva consortium, South Portland Public Library recognizes the importance of being a “good neighbor” to our partner libraries.  Consequently, we may deny the issuance of a library card to any applicant with billed items or excessive fines owed to any other Minerva library.

Likewise, establishing a new library account may also be denied if an existing member of the household has a billed item on their existing South Portland Public Library account and/or unpaid fines and fees totaling more than $20.00.

Proper identification for the issuing of a library card is:

A valid, Maine state-issued photo identification showing current South Portland residency or (for applicants aged 13 to 18) a South Portland School Department-issued student photo ID.


A state or federal issued photo identification in conjunction with any of the following, showing current South Portland residency and issued in the same name as the identification provided:A utility bill dated within the last 30 days

  • A South Portland issued tax bill/tax receipt dated within the past three months
  • Current lease, mortgage papers, or rent receipts that officially state the property address (that is, no handwritten receipts; documents must be an official communication, which shows the bank or realty company name)
  • Current vehicle registration, in the name of the applicant, showing a current South Portland address

Non-Resident Library Cards

The library provides free library accounts to non-residents of South Portland who fall into the categories below. Applicants must provide the proper identification, as defined in the previous section, as well as the appropriate documentation for their given category, as outlined below.

  • Non-resident employees of the City of South Portland and/or the South Portland School Department who have a valid, City or school dept. issued identification.
  • Non-resident South Portland taxpayers with a valid tax receipt for authentication (property holders, business proprietors, and/or boat owners).
  • Non-resident students, faculty & staff of Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) with valid identification that authenticates current enrollment or employment.
  • Non-resident students enrolled in a public or private school in South Portland.  A signed note from a school administrator or current student identification is required.  The library card is for this student’s use only.
  • Military service personnel stationed in South Portland, with current, valid, military identification.

Section IV: Lending Policies

4.0 Circulation of Library Materials

Items in the library’s lending collections are the property of the City of South Portland and are purchased with local tax dollars for the use and enjoyment of all members of our community.  To maintain fair and equal access to these shared materials, library items should be returned on or before due dates.  Users are responsible for returning library materials complete and in the same condition they were originally borrowed.  This includes all covers, cases, inserts and accessories that may be considered a part of the circulating item.

4.1 Loaning Agreement for Library Materials

When an individual applies for the privilege of using the South Portland Public Library, they accept the membership agreement as printed on the application form:

“I agree to be responsible for all materials borrowed against this South Portland Public Library account and to adhere to all of the Library’s policies. I will notify the Library immediately if my contact information changes or if my card is lost.  I agree to be held financially responsible to the City of South Portland for any fines, fees or other charges accrued on this account, according to the Library’s policies.”

When a juvenile applies for the privilege of using the South Portland Public Library, the parent or guardian who signs the registration application accepts the membership agreement as printed on the juvenile account application form:

”I agree to be responsible for all materials borrowed against this South Portland Public Library account and to help the child applicant understand and adhere to all of the Library’s policies.  I will notify the Library immediately if any contact information for this account changes or if the card is lost.  I agree to be held financially responsible to the City of South Portland for any fines, fees or other charges accrued on this account, according to the Library’s policies.”

State law mandates that all library transactions, including registrations, loans, and other records, are strictly confidential. No information related to a library account is shared with anyone other than the account holder without the written permission of the account holder or under court order.

The full text of Maine’s Confidentiality of Library Records statute is printed in this manual’s appendices.

Parents should be aware that juvenile patron records are not specifically exempted in this statue. Maine libraries and South Portland Public Library interpret this statute to cover all patron records, without exception, including children’s accounts.

4.2 Checkouts and Renewals

All library materials circulate for 21 days and may be renewed one time for an additional 14 days.

Renewals are allowed on library materials except when:


    • the item has a “hold” on it for another user

    • the item has been renewed previously

    • the library user has accumulated excessive fines ($6.00 for adults, $3.00 for juveniles)

Renewals can be done online, at:

The Library maintains a small selection of reference materials that cannot be checked out and must be used within the library.

All checkouts and/or renewals (in person, via telephone or online) require a library card in order to access the library account being used.

4.3 Fines and Fees

Items returned past their due date are subject to overdue fines.  Items returned incomplete, damaged or not returned at all, are subject to partial or full replacement fees, at the discretion of the library.

In the event that an item is returned late, an overdue fine will be charged, as follows:


    • Books, audio books, music, magazines and art prints: $ .10 per day, per item, with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item overdue

    • Video materials: $ .25 per day, per item, with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item overdue

Library privileges are suspended if cumulative fines and/or fees reach or exceed $6.00 for adults or $3.00 for juveniles.

Library users are responsible for any items checked out on their library account. If a library card is lost or stolen, the loss should be reported at once by phone, in person, or by e-mail.

To insure that your library account is properly credited, fines must be paid in person, directly to library staff.  Please do not place any payments in the library’s book drops or inside returned materials.  Please do not leave payments unattended on any desk.

Overdue fines and replacement fees should be paid promptly.  As a partner in the statewide MINERVA system, failure to settle your account with the South Portland Public Library may impact your ability to get a library card at other Maine libraries.

4.4 Reminders, Notices and Bills

The library will make an effort to remind users of materials coming due or which have become overdue.  However, responsibility for the timely return of borrowed materials falls solely on the user and not the library.


    • For users who have registered an email address with their account, the library will automatically send an “items due soon” reminder a few days prior to an item coming due.

    • Users with email accounts are contacted again via email when materials are 5 days overdue.

    • Another overdue notice is emailed – or patrons are contacted by phone – when materials are 10 days overdue.

    • A bill is created when materials are 20 days overdue and will state the replacement cost of the material that has not been returned.

If an item is more than 45 days overdue, the library reserves the right to refuse the return of the item, and the replacement cost for the item will be due.

Per Maine State Statute, title 17-A, part 2, chapter 15, the failure to return library materials within the established time frame is considered a class D crime of theft.

Access to library services will be suspended for any patron with outstanding billed items on their library account, until the overdue item(s) is/are returned or the amount due is paid in full.

When a juvenile cardholder has not complied with library loan rules, the final notice/bill will be attached to the record of the parent or guardian who signed juvenile’s registration card and/or lives at same address. This notice will automatically restrict borrowing privileges for these users until the overdue items are returned or the bill is paid. The responsible adult patron may not use another child’s card at this address until all responsibilities to the library have been fulfilled.

The status of your library account, including items checked out, due dates and any charges applied to your account, may be viewed at any time via the library’s web site.

6.1 Access Policy


    1. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library materials, programs and events are appropriate for their children and teenagers. This policy reflects the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.  It states that “…a person’s right to use a library should not be abridged because of origin, age, background or views.” The library may contain materials and offer programming which some parents may find inappropriate for their own children and young adults.  South Portland Public Library encourages parents/guardians to help their children and young adults select library resources in keeping with their family’s values.

    1. The South Portland Public Library will not restrict access by minors to any library materials. This policy is in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights and the American Library Association policy that states that “libraries should bear in mind that they do not serve in loco parentis

  • Because the responsibility for children’s use of library materials rests with parents/guardians, the library does not restrict the use of collections or access to programs and, therefore, the library does not assume liability in a child’s choice of library material or their participation in activities.

7.3 Library Advisory Board

The Library Advisory Board consists of seven (7) members appointed by City Councilors. Members are responsible for sharing advice reflective of community citizens’ opinions regarding policies governing the operation and program of the library.  The Library Advisory Board supports South Portland Public Library as one of the community’s most valuable assets. The Board meets monthly and performs in an advisory capacity to the library director and to the City Council regarding library budget, library personnel, and policy. Principles of equity, open and affordable access, privacy, first amendment rights, and easy access to electronic information guide the Advisory Board and their deliberations.

7.4 The Friends of the South Portland Public Library

The Friends of the South Portland Public Library is a citizen advocacy group that supports the mission of South Portland Public Libraries. It preserves and strengthens the public library. The group also creates awareness and appreciation of library services. The organization works to raise money to assist in any way possible to make the library visible and viable to the community. The Friends sponsor the annual Spring Point Festival Paperback Book Sale and the Gigantic Used Book Sale. Funds raised are used for purchases that enhance and benefit library programs and services.

7.5 Volunteers

Community members may wish to volunteer at South Portland Public Library.  The Volunteer Coordinator will ask for a volunteer application form to be completed and will conduct an interview with prospective candidates. Forms are available at the Circulation Desk.

8.2 Outreach Services

South Portland Public Library offers an outreach service for South Portland residents that delivers books and materials to persons who are temporarily or permanently homebound and unable to visit the Main or Branch Libraries. The Outreach Librarian visits private homes, nursing homes, elderly complexes, and group homes. To schedule this service, please call the Circulation Desk and ask for the Outreach Librarian.

9.1 Bulletin Board

A bulletin board is provided, as a community service, for the posting of information about cultural, educational and other activities of local interest, subject to the guidelines below.


    • Notices should be 8 ½“ x 11” in size or less.

    • Library staff is responsible for all postings.  Any notice to be posted must be left with library staff.  No notices are to be posted without staff involvement.

    • Notices may be posted subject to space, timing, and size.

    • All notices must be marked with the date the notice is delivered to the library.

    • The library reserves the right to refuse and/or remove items for any reason.

    • The posting of notices does not imply endorsement of the South Portland Public Library or the City of South Portland.

    • Library staff is responsible for the maintenance of the library’s bulletin boards and are responsible for interpreting this policy and monitoring its implementation.

9.4 Security

Library materials are protected by an electronic security system in order for the library to serve patrons better. This security system attempts to minimize losses.

The library reserves the right to inspect patron’s backpacks and personal bags for library materials.

9.5 Children and Supervision

Parents are responsible for ensuring the safety and appropriate behavior of their children while they are in the library.

Because a library is a public facility, a young child is not safe when left unattended in the library. The Children’s Room is not always staffed. Even when staff is on duty, a staff member cannot know if a child is leaving with a parent, a friend, or a stranger. The library assumes no responsibility for a child left unattended on the premises.

9.8 Unattended Children and Young Adults

When a child is not picked up by closing time, the person responsible for closing the library must deal with the situation.

Staff will try to contact the child’s parent/guardian. If after 1/2 hour the child is still awaiting a parent/guardian, staff will call the South Portland Police Department who will take temporary custody of the child.

A note will be left on the library door for the parent/guardian to go to the Public Safety Building.

No one on the staff should ever take a child home or to the police station or anywhere else.  A police officer will come to the Library to assist.

Two staff will remain in the building with the child until the parent/guardian or police officer arrives.

9.9 Storm Closings

The South Portland Public Library is a public service department of the City of South Portland. The City Manager will make determinations about the closure of City services due to inclement weather conditions.  The Library Director will make determinations about closure – in consultation with other operating City departments – during evening and weekend hours.

10.2 Gifts Policy

South Portland Public Library recognizes that the community served is primarily responsible for the financial support of its public library. It also recognizes the importance of private philanthropy and private initiative in extending, enriching, and improving-the services of the library. South Portland Public Library encourages tax-supported and privately endowed gifts and bequests.

The Library Advisory Board believes that a memorial gift or bequest in the form of funds or securities for library purposes presents an opportunity to commemorate or honor an individual or a group. The Library Advisory Board welcomes memorials and/or bequests. The South Portland Corporate Council and Library Director are prepared to assist anyone who would like to make an endowment or bequest to South Portland Public Library.

For a bequest and/or memorial gift, the library serves in an advisory capacity to the donor. The City Council has the ultimate authority to accept and expend funds.

The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection using the same standard of materials selection used to decide purchases.

When books, videos, or other materials for the collection are offered to the library, staff will advise donors of the Gifts Policy. The patron must understand the following statements of policy:


    1. Suitable items will be added to the collection after they pass the scrutiny of South Portland Public Library’s Materials Selection Policy

    1. Gift items entered into the library collection will not be separately shelved but will be integrated into the collection. An exception is the Kaler Collection of historically significant children’s books

    1. Items not added to the collection or items not useful to the library may be refused or disposed of appropriately, including adding to the Friends of the South Portland Public Library annual book sale, offering items to another library, selling items, or recycling items. Any funds realized will be added to The Friends of South Portland Public Library’s budget

    1. Pursuant to Section 155a of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 and IRS regulations, library staff cannot do an evaluation/appraisal of the gift for tax purposes for the donor

    1. A donation card for tax purposes is available at the Circulation Desk. Library staff will date and indicate the number of books included in the gift. No prices or values will be listed

    1. The Branch will offer any gifts not added to its collection to the Main Library before a final disposition. Likewise, Main Library gifts are checked with the Branch’s collection for appropriateness

    1. Gifts of furniture, technology, computers, or other in-kind materials will also be accepted under terms stated above. A donation letter for tax purposes will be issued. No prices or values will be listed

Policy on Library Meeting Room Use

The South Portland Public Library provides meeting/activity space, for use by the public, at both of its locations.  The facilities are available, when not otherwise needed for library or municipal activities, on a first come, first served basis during regular library operating hours.  These facilities are available to South Portland area organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities. Meetings must be open for public attendance without charge. Priority on use is as follows: library functions, Municipal functions, and South Portland groups/residents.  Exceptions require the approval of the director and/or Library Advisory Board.

Available library space is as follows:

• Main Library (482 Broadway)

Large meeting/activity room: comfortably seats 100.   Available for use: small riser/stage,

chairs, tables podium, projection screen, television, adjoining kitchenette and restroom.

Other library spaces, for smaller group meetings, may be available at the discretion of the

Library Director.

• Branch Library (155 Wescott Road)

Small meeting/activity room: Comfortably seats 20.  Available for use: chairs, tables,

television and adjoining restrooms.

Use of the library facilities for non-library related functions is limited to one use a month.  Limited series of more frequent usage may be scheduled at the discretion of the Library Director.

Arrangements for use of library facilities are made through the Circulation Desk Supervisor (Main Library, 767-7660 and Branch Library, 775-1835).  To allow maximum use of the facilities, requests for scheduling consideration will be accepted no more than 3 months in advance of the requested date.  Unless otherwise arranged with the Library Director, organizations/individuals requesting use of the library space may only schedule one booking at a time.

Use of library space does not imply endorsement, support, or co-sponsorship by South Portland Public Library of the activities that take place in, or of beliefs of the group using, the library’s facilities.  Groups or individuals using the meeting room may not imply that the event or program is sponsored, co-sponsored, or endorsed by the library in any advertising or publicity.  Neither the name nor the address of the library may be used as the official address of headquarters of any organization.

Each individual or organization agrees to comply with the South Portland Public Library Policy on the use of meeting rooms – a copy of which will be provided – and further agrees fully to indemnify and hold harmless the South Portland Public Library and the City of South Portland against the claims of any and all persons for personal injury, death or property damage occasioned by or in connection with the organization’s occupation and use of the Library premises, whether by negligence or otherwise.

The Library Advisory Board reserves the right to make such changes in these rules as may seem advisable, to reject any or all applications, or to cancel any permission, when in its discretion such cancellation seems advisable.



    1. An authorized representative of the Library must be present in the building during any meeting.  

    1. Smoking, the use of tobacco products, the use of non-prescription drugs, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the library’s buildings.

    1. Admission may not be charged nor monies collected for attendance at events. The Library Advisory Board may make exceptions. An author may be allowed to sell his/her book at the discretion of the Library Director. Friends of South Portland Public Library may sponsor fundraising events such as the annual book sale, BookWalk, or other events.

    1. For meetings booked for after 5:00pm on weeknights and weekend daytime, a $30.00 fee is required to cover support services. The room is available without charge from 10:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.

    1. When fees are required, the use of the kitchen (Main Library only) requires an additional $10.00 fee. This includes use of the coffeemaker.  Dishes must be washed by the organization and kitchen left clean after use. Organizations using the kitchen facilities will provide their own linens, i.e., dish cloths, dish towel, etc.  The use of library spaces includes the responsibility of cleaning up after use. All food, paper, bottles, and cans must be placed in an appropriate trash container. Upon departure no litter should be evident.

    1. Organizations using the library spaces are asked to report damage to equipment, broken dishes, etc. to the Circulation Desk or attending person before leaving the building and to be prepared to pay for replacement or repair. Failure to report damage will disqualify this individual or group from future use of library facilities

    1. No charge is made for the use of the library’s audio-visual equipment.  Arrangements for use of any equipment must be made through the Circulation Desk prior to the date of the meeting.

    1. The library requires payment to be completed before the room may be used. Application must be on file in the library 48 hours prior to the meeting. Room fees must be paid within 48 hours of the reservation.  Refunds will be granted only under the following conditions:

• The library closes for any reason

• Cancellation is made at least one week before the meeting

• Inclement weather creates bad driving conditions even though the library may not be closed.

Materials Selection Policy

12.1 Purpose

The purpose of the South Portland Public Library materials selection policy is to guide librarians and to inform the public about the professional standards and principles upon which librarians base their selection decisions.

A policy cannot replace the judgment of librarians, but stating goals and indicating boundaries will assist them in choosing from the vast array of materials available.

12.2 Scope of the Collection

South Portland Public Library’s collections are intended to meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of its citizens. The scope of the collection is to be sufficiently broad to offer a choice of format, treatment, and level of difficulty so that the library-needs of most individuals can be met and individuals of all ages can be served. The collection is not archival; it is reviewed and revised on an ongoing basis to meet contemporary needs. The library shall always be guided by a sense of responsibility to the past, present, and future.

12.3 Selection Objectives

The primary objective of selection shall be to collect materials of contemporary significance and of lasting value. To this end, librarians shall add materials that enrich the collections and maintain an overall balance. Further, the library shall make available materials for enlightenment and recreation. The library also shall provide a representative sampling of experimental and ephemeral materials, even though such materials may not have enduring interest and value.

12.4 Selection Principles

Library materials shall be selected for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the people of the community. The library will include material without regard to the race, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, or the political or religious views of the writer. The library shall provide the fullest practicable range of material presenting a wide variety of views concerning the problems and issues of our time. Materials of sound, factual authority should not be proscribed or removed from library shelves because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

The selection of any material for the library’s collections does not constitute an endorsement of its contents. The library recognizes that many materials are controversial, and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection decisions are not made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the collection and the needs and interests of the community.

The responsibility for children’s use of the library materials rests with their parents or legal guardians. The selection of materials intended for use by adults shall not be inhibited by the possibility that they may be accessible to use by children.

12.5 Criteria for Selection

Librarians must consider each type of material for its excellence and the audience for which it is intended. No single standard can apply to all acquisition decisions. Librarians may select some material primarily for its artistic merit, scholarship or its value as a human document, while they choose others to satisfy the recreational and entertainment needs of the community.

A small percentage of library materials are subject to widespread and/or heavy local demand. These high-demand items may or may not meet the general or specific criteria contained in this policy. In either case, librarians give serious consideration to the volume and nature of requests by members of the public. In addition, as the social and intellectual climate of the community changes, materials which librarians originally did not recommend for purchase, may become of interest. Such materials will be re-evaluated as the need arises.

To build a collection of merit and significance, librarians acquire materials according to objective guidelines. They evaluate all acquisitions, whether considered for purchase or donated to the library, by examining reviews in one or more of the professional library review media and checking against the standards listed below.

12.7 General Criteria


    • Overall purpose

    • Contemporary or permanent value/interest/demand/appeal

    • Authority, skill, competence, reputation, and significance of the author

    • Reputation and standards of the publisher

    • Clarity, accuracy, objectivity, and readability

    • Social significance

    • Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment

    • Appropriateness and effectiveness of the medium to the content

    • Quality and suitability of the physical format to the library collection

    • Attention of critics and reviewers

    • Importance of the subject matter to the collection

    • Scarcity of material on the subject

    • Price, budgetary, and space limitations

    • Availability of material elsewhere in the region or through interlibrary loan

    • Potential use

    • Need for duplicate materials in the existing collection

    • Currency

    • Presentation of opposing points of view to allow for balance

12.8 Specific Criteria for the Evaluation of Works of Information and Opinion


    • Authority

    • Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment

    • Objectivity

    • Clarity, accuracy and logic of presentation

    • Diversity of viewpoint/expression

12.9 Specific Criteria for the Evaluation of Works of Imagination


    • Representation of important movement, genre, trends, or national culture

    • Literary merit

    • Vitality and originality

    • Artistic presentation and experimentation

    • Sustained interest

    • Effective characterization

    • Reflection of the human experience

12.11 Responsibility for Materials Selection

The responsibility for assisting in the selection of library materials belongs to members of the staff. The ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Advisory Board.

All staff members who select materials are expected to adhere to the selection objectives and principals expressed in this policy and to apply their knowledge and expertise in making selection decisions.

The following personnel are responsible for the acquisition choices that meet the library’s selection criteria:


    • Adult Collection: Library Director, Head of Circulation Services, full-time Circulation Department Library Assistants, Head of Technical Services

    • Children’s Collection: Head of Children’s Services and Children’s Services Library Assistant

    • Young Adult Collection: Young Adult Services Librarian

    • Branch Collection: Branch Manager and Branch Library Assistant(s)]

12.12 Selection Methods

Librarians select most materials on the basis of reviews published in sources recognized as reliable and authoritative. These include professional review journals as well as review sources aimed at the general public and on-line sources.

Librarians also consult standard bibliographies such as Public Library Catalog, Children’s Catalog, Junior High School Catalog, and Senior High School Catalog and lists of best books published in the library review media, especially for retrospective materials to fill a gap in the collection.

The number of items librarians can select is only a small fraction of the number produced each year. Librarians make all selections with professional judgment adhering to selection criteria.

12.14 Weeding Policies and Procedures

Weeding is the practice of systematically examining and evaluating materials already in the library’s collection. In weeding, the selection staff determines whether an individual item should be retained or withdrawn. If the item is withdrawn, the librarian decides if it should be replaced with a new copy, or with a new title. The librarian may consult a standard bibliography to make this decision.

Librarians withdraw materials for a variety of reasons: perhaps because the information is outdated, the library owns more copies than currently needed, the material is rarely used, or the physical condition of the material is poor. Discarded items may be given to the South Portland Friends of the Library for their annual book sale.

12.15 Gifts

The South Portland Public Library accepts gifts of materials with the understanding that the same guidelines of selection that apply to materials acquired by purchase also apply to gifts. The library reserves the right to evaluate and to dispose of gifts in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials and, in addition, the library reserves the right to sell or otherwise dispose of materials not added to the collection.

The library staff may issue to the donor a written statement that indicates the number of items received and the date, but it is the donor’s responsibility to indicate to IRS the value of the items given. Pursuant to Section 155a of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 and IRS regulations, the library staff will not appraise or indicate a value for the gift. (Section 10.2)

12.16 Requests for Purchase

Comments, requests, and questions from patrons about the collection provide librarians with useful information about local interests or needs. Librarians evaluate requests for specific items in accordance with selection principles, objectives and criteria set forth in this document.

While the library encourages acquisition suggestions from patrons, the professional staff decides material purchases through committee selection in the Adult Collection.

12.17 Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials

A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects within its collections. The South Portland Public Library does not promulgate particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply endorsement of the viewpoint of the author.  Library materials shall not be marked or labeled to indicate approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will items be sequestered, except for the purpose of protecting them from damage or theft.

South Portland Public Library welcomes the expression of opinion by patrons and community members, but will be governed by this materials selection policy in making additions to, or deletions from, its collections. A patron who requests the reconsideration of library materials will be asked to put the petition in writing. Staff will provide a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form that the patron will be encouraged to complete and sign. (online form found here)

Upon receipt of this written request, the Library Director will appoint an ad hoc committee from professional staff including, but not limited to, the selector for the subject area of the item in question and the appropriate department head. The committee will make a written recommendation to the Library Director, who will then decide the disposition of the material. The Library Director will respond in writing to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration within ten days. If the Director’s response is unsatisfactory to the complainant, an appeal may be lodged with the Library Advisory Board at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The Library Director will inform the Library Advisory Board of all requests for reconsideration of library materials, and their disposition.

14.0 Internet Policy

Providing Internet access is consistent with South Portland Public Library’s Mission Statement and Philosophy and Objectives that state that South Portland Public Library provides free resources to support the interests of patrons and ….promotes the communications of ideas and development of an enlightened citizenship. The South Portland Public Library affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected materials.

This electronic information source enables the library to provide access to information beyond the confines of its own collections. Currently, the Internet is an unregulated medium. The South Portland Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content or quality. The information available on the Internet includes much that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching. It also provides access to material that may be offensive or disturbing to some individuals, as well as access to information that may be factually incorrect and /or illegal. As with library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.

Library patrons must be aware that not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Library Staff is available to assist patrons in finding useful, helpful sites.

South Portland Public Library does not restrict access to materials or protect patrons from information that an individual might find offensive. Patrons may uncover information resources that may be personally controversial or inappropriate. Sexually explicit material may become unexpectedly visible. The library believes that empowering patrons through education is in patrons’ best interest.

Internet resources are accessible through the library and are provided equitably to library users. Separate terminals are provided in assigned areas for children, young adults, and adults. Each group of computers is designated for specific patrons. Computers are also assigned as OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalog) for patrons to search South Portland Public Library’s holdings. Computers are assigned specific roles and patrons are expected to honor those functions.

South Portland Public Library provides a Web page with linked recommended sites. Patrons are encouraged to use these sites as beginning places on their information search.

Parents/guardians, not the library staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents/guardians should supervise their children’s—and only their children’s—access to Internet resources accessible through the library. Parents must supervise their child’s use of the Internet in the library.

Internet use will be managed in a manner consistent with the library’s Code of Conduct, which are posted in the library. We draw particular attention to Rule # 1 which states that no person shall engage in conduct that interferes with another’s use or enjoyment of the library.

Educational materials about safe Internet use for adults, young adults, and children are available in the library.

14.4 Internet Safety for Minors

Parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for guiding their children in their use of the Internet.. South Portland Public Library affirms the responsibility of parents/guardians to determine the appropriateness of Internet accessed resources for their children. All patrons, including children, must agree to and abide by the library’s Code of Conduct. South Portland Public Library supports parents/guardians and their children in the safe and effective use of the Internet by


    • Providing links designed for children and teens

    • Providing fact sheets about Internet safety

    • Offering knowledgeable staff to advise minors about safe and successful Internet use

Parents concerned about their children’s use of electronic resources may find help and support in the pamphlet Child Safety on the Information Highway or the companion publication Teen Safety on the Information Highway published by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. These are available in the library. South Portland Public Library encourages parents/guardians and their children to protect their safety by keeping the following guidelines in mind


    • People online are not always who they say they are

    • Everything that appears online is not necessarily true

    • No one should respond to a message that is obscene, threatening, or discomforting

    • No one should share personal information like address, phone number, school, age, family data or financial information online to known or unknown persons

    • No child should arrange a face-to-face meeting with a person met on line

14.5 Guidelines to Accessing the Internet in the Adult Department


    1. Anyone who uses the library may have access to the Internet on appropriate terminals at scheduled times

    1. When reserving and using library computers in the Adult Department:


        • Patrons may reserve the Internet access computer up to two hours a week and can reserve a time slot up to seven days in advance

        • Additional time on the computer may be available on a walk-in basis

        • Late-comers (those more than 10 minutes late) may lose their reserved time

        • No more than two persons may sit at a computer at a time


    1. Each library department may have slightly different rules regarding computer use in that Department

    1. Personal software programs are not to be used on the library computers. This rule exists to prevent computer viruses that are common on public computers

    1. Blank diskettes are available from a librarian for a minimal charge ($ 1.00).  Personal diskettes are allowed only on the word processor.

    1. South Portland Public Library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s disk or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the library’s computers.

    1. PRINTING. Each page is $ .25, including unwanted copies. If you do not know how to use the printer, ask a librarian for guidance.

    1. Library staff will be glad to assist you in accessing the Internet but cannot provide in-depth training concerning Internet access. Because of library scheduling, Internet trained staff may not always be available for patron assistance. Check at the Circulation Desk regarding computer lessons available at the library.

    1. Occasionally the library’s Internet connection may be periodically and temporarily interrupted. Usually it is a problem with the library’s Internet provider.

    1. The South Portland Public Library’s electronic resources may be used only for purposes that are legal and consistent with the library’s stated mission and philosophy. Unacceptable uses, some of which may be illegal, include, but are not limited to


    • Libeling or slandering or harassment of other library users or staff

    • Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications

    • Intentional exposure of other individuals, (particularly children), to material or images they or their parents may find personally unsuitable

    • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials

    • Incurring any costs to the South Portland Public Library


14.6 Disclaimer

Since the Internet is a global electronic network, there is no federal, state, or local control of the users or content. Neither content nor usage is monitored. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The library staff cannot monitor or control access to such material nor protect users from offensive or inaccurate information. Library staff cannot control the availability or validity of information links that often change rapidly and unpredictably. Users are cautioned that the accuracy, completeness, and currency of information found on the Internet varies widely and, therefore, patrons should use critical judgment in relying on the information found.

14.7 Links to Third Party Sites

The links included within the City of South Portland Public Library’s web pages may let you leave South Portland Public Library’s Web site. Links are limited to those that meet our library’s purpose. The linked sites are not under the control of South Portland Public Library and the library is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in the site, or any changes or updates within such sites. South Portland Public Library is not responsible for web casting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. The South Portland Public Library is providing these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or association with their operators by the City of South Portland or South Portland Public Library.

WARNING: Software downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus and you need to have virus-checking software on your computer. Although we use a virus checker on the library’s computers, this will not completely protect a user from the chance of downloading a virus.
