At some point, you might find that the online system is not allowing you request or renew library items or that you are unable to access our cloudLibrary services.
This is usually due to a change in status of your account in the time since you last accessed it.
Below are instructions on how to check the status of your account and how to resolve any issues.
First, log into your library account at or by following the My Library Account link, on the left hand column of each page of our web site.
Or here:
When logged into your account, you will see information similar to this:
Your account information shows your name, the contact information we have on file for you as well as the expiration date of your account (all accounts expire annually so that we have an opportunity to verify that your account information is up to date).
If you find that your account has expired, you may renew it online, here: Renew My Account
If you have any, the box displays the number of active holds/requests you have for items, any balance due for overdue fines, bills or other charges, and the number of items currently checked out.
Note: a balance due of $6.00 or more (or a billed item for any amount) will limit access to your account, preventing additional checkouts, renewals or requests until the balance is settled.
Finally, you are provided a link to update your personal information on file, a link for any searches you have saved in the online catalog, as well as a link to your saved borrowing history (an optional service, which you must opt in to. More information on this can be found here).